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BOARD OF EDUCATION CLINTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN 54929 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION August 26, 2024 A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Clintonville Public School District was called to order on August 26, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the High School IMC by President Ben Huber. Members Present: Ben Huber, Kris Strauman, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Mark Zachow, Glen Drew Lundt, and Klint Barkow. Administration Present: Troy Kuhn, Shaun Liesch, and Stephen Reinke Others Present: Michael Engel, Jessica Yaeger, Matthew Galland, Nick Yaeger, Paul Olmsted, Mary Olmsted, Ken Yaeger, Lisa Riske, Kathryn Murphy, Ericka Shelton, and Bob Burns. OPEN MEETING STATEMENT: This August 26, 2024 meeting of the Clintonville Board of Education and all other meetings of the board are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the media, and has been publicly posted, in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. Upon request to the District Administrator, submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting. APPROVE AGENDA: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Mark Zachow to approve the agenda as written. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Laurie Vollrath seconded by Mark Zachow to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting/ Board Facilities Tour from August 5th, 2024, and the Regular Meeting of August 12, 2024. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ COMMUNICATIONS: PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the vouchers as attached for July, 2024. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Superintendent’s Report: Troy Kuhn presented District updates to the Board of Education. Support Staff Resignation a. Aimee Ebert – Elementary Instructional Para – effective immediately. Support Staff Transfers a. Brenda Krause– Transfer from an Elementary Special Education Para to an Elementary Instructional Para, effective August 26, 2024 b. Charity Devroy – Transfer from a Part-Time Middle School Para to a Full-Time Middle School Para, effective August 26, 2024. c. Matthew Krueger – Transfer from a Custodian II to a Maintenance Mechanic, effective August 19, 2024. Support Staff Hire a. Brenda Hoier – Food Service III – effective August 21, 2024. Support Staff Resignation – Child Care Center a. Maleah Pirk – effective August 23, 2024 Extra-curricular Resignation a. Stacey VanDomelen – MS Volleyball – effective immediately Extra-curricular Hires b. Kristen Retzlaff – Head Girls Basketball Coach - effective for the 2024-2025 school year. c. Nick Yaeger – Head Boys Basketball Coach – effective for the 2024-2025 school year. Personnel: (The Board may choose to go into Executive Session per section 19.85(1)(c) of Wisconsin Statues to discuss a personnel issue, and then return to open session to take action) Teacher Resignation: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Klint Barkow to approve the resignation of Stacey VanDomelen from her 6th Grade Teacher position, effective immediately, per Part II Section 5.02 of the Staff Handbook. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Teacher Hires: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the following teacher hires, effective with the 2024-2025 school year: a. Cameron Zeinert – Middle School Math Teacher b. Nick Yaeger – High School MathTeacher c. Veronica Krueger – School Psychologist Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Short-Term Math Teacher Hire: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the hire of Nicholas Schaumberg as a short-term Math Teacher, effective August 26 – September 13, 2024, for days agreed upon by the administration. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Other: Fall Athletics Update: The administration updated the Board of Education regarding coaching and participation numbers for Fall athletics. Food Service Milk Bid: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the milk bid from Prairie Farms for the 2024-2025 school year. Ayes and nays called, all voting nay. Motion failed. Moved by Glen Drew Lundt, seconded by Klint Barkow to approve the milk bid from Rank Northern, pending clarification of escalator language that is comparable to the Prairie Farms bid. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Employee Retention and Compensation : The administration and Board of Education discussed the current shortage of teachers statewide and what options are available to retain and adequately compensate current staff. Early Graduation Request: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve the early graduation request for a student, class of 2025, to graduate in January 2025, providing that all graduation requirements are met. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. POLICY First Reading of Revisions to Policies: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve the updated additional name changes within the following Policies to match current employees: Policy #1422 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy #1662 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #2260 – Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #2260.01 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability Policy #2266 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs of Activities Policy #3122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #3362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #4362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #5517 – Student Anti-Harassment Policy #8913 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. First Reading of Revisions to Policy #2260.01: Moved by Mark Zachow, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the name change for District Title IX Coordinator and District Director of Pupil Services from Megan Murphy to Alexis Retzlaff for Policy #2260.01 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Second Reading of Revisions to Policies : Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the name changes within the following Policies for District Title IX Coordinator and District Director of Special Education and Pupil Services from Megan Murphy to Alexis Retzlaff: Policy #1422 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy #1662 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #2260 – Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #2266 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Policy #3122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #3362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #4362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #5517 – Student Anti-Harassment Policy #8913 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE STRATEGIC DISCUSSION Cyber Attack Plan Title IX ANNOUNCEMENTS August 30 No School September 2 No School – Labor Day September 9 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CHS IMC September 11 Policy Committee Meeting 9:00 a.m. District Office September 23 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CHS IMC September 25 Land Use Committee Meeting 6:00 p.m. TBD ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to adjourn to closed session for consideration of matters over which the Board has jurisdiction pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) – Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility for the purposes of reviewing individual employment contracts/language, salary/wages, benefits, and performance; for the purposes of reviewing administrative contracts/language, salary/wages, benefits, and performance; for discussion and update regarding resolution of specific employee concerns. Roll call vote was taken with Ben Huber, Mark Zachow, Klint Barkow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Glen Drew Lundt, and Kris Strauman voting aye. Motion carried and meeting adjourned to closed session at 7:23 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Jason Moder to return to open session. Roll call vote was taken with Mark Zachow, Klint Barkow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Kris Strauman, Glen Drew Lundt, and Ben Huber voting aye. Motion carried and meeting returned to open session at 8:23 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Glen Drew Lundt to adjourn. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Laurie Vollrath, Board Clerk Publish Sept. 19, 2024 WNAXLP
CAMPBELLSPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28 August 19, 2024 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:30 p.m. Meeting was held in the Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Sharon Gazzola, Maureen Koch, Deborah Senn, Jessica Strand, James Ninnemann, and Keith Peters. Administrators present: Tom Wissink, Shelley Eilbes, Sally Kellman, Shanda Cerny, Matt Seiser, Sherman Gengler, Steve Hamm 3. Also Present: Jim Hess, MJ Hamm, Jenna Schweitzer, Shawna Henke, students Olivia McCarty, Jacob Jordan and Jon Thelen 4. Public Comment: a. Mr. Hess spoke about Title IX and the changes that were made. 5. Announcements/ Recognitions - None 6. Presentations a. Shawna Henke and three (3) of her students spoke about their trip to Ireland. The students highlighted some of their favorite things about the trip. b. Shawna Henke and Jenna Schweitzer updated the Board on what the Ag and FFA have been up to over the summer. The group participated in the Campbellsport Parade, Eden Parade, Officer Training, State Convention and Fond du Lac County Fair. The group received many awards at the State Convention and the Fond du Lac County Fair. 7. Approval of meeting minutes a. August 5, 2024 Board Meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jim Ninnemann to approve the August 5, 2024 Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried 7-0-0. 8. Approval of expenses, payroll and receipts Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the expenses, payroll and receipts as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. 9. Reports: a. District Administrator Updates i. WASB Fall Regional Meeting, September 24, 2024 in Kiel, WI ii. WASB Board workshop in October to review the new online superintendent evaluation tool and/or Board goal setting. This is scheduled for October 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28 iii. Mr. Wissink reviewed the parent welcome back letter iv. Mr. Wissink reviewed the staff welcome back letter and August in-service schedule b. Principal/Director Updates i. Mr. Wissink updated the Board on EES. Staff training on Bridges math curriculum will be in Eden this week; there is one (1) EES paraprofessional position that is still open; there is a back to school color run on September 13, 2024 for Eden Elementary students ii. Mr. Hamm updated the Board on CES. Mr. Hamm has been meeting with the PBIS Committee over the Summer; planning activities for the year with this year’s theme “Game On! Be Your Best at CES!; Bridges math training; meeting with the veteran Teachers; determining the Leadership Team for the building iii. Mr. Wissink updated the Board on MS and HS. MS/HS Shared Leadership Team met to review the spring staff and student survey data; the new MS/HS math curriculum training went well; the MS/HS is hosting a food and hygiene drive during our in-service PD days to help support families in the District; HS schedules are coming into form as any remaining conflicts or holes continue to be filed; Fall sports getting underway with scrimmages already happening and games starting this Friday. iv. Dr. Kellman mentioned that we were unsuccessful on hiring a Speech Pathologist for the school year. The District has contracted with “Teach Speech” for this virtual service. They will be servicing our MS, HS and private schedules within the District (the private schools were noticed in writing this last week that they will be getting virtual speech). There are approximately 100 students in our District that receive speech/language services (this does not include private schools). The Transition Resource Fair went very well and was well attended. There were 20 vendors that attended. This event had great feedback from the families. Tess O’Brien talked to the parents regarding their rights. Mr. Wissink gave a shout-out to Dr. Kellman and Heidi Retzer for their hard work on putting this event together. v. Shanda Cerny updated the Board on what she has been working on in her new role as Curriculum Coordinator. The Leadership Team just completed the six (6) day training that is required under Act 20. Teachers will be required to take a 4-day training that will be spread out. Shanda will be presenting the Act 20 plan at the September 7, 2024 Board meeting. Training will be starting for the 4K Teachers on Benchmark Advance as this will be implemented with the 4K students. vi. Sherman Gengler provided an update on the IT Dept. The new phone system has been installed; new Chromebooks will be going into the HS; finalizing the rostering for the testing. vii. Matt Seiser updated on the Facilities group. New carpeting in room 56 and 86 should be completed before school starts; the new dishwasher was installed in the MS/HS; the department will be fully staffed. c. Board Committee Updates i. Curriculum and Technology – last met on March 25, 2024; plan next meeting for October 2024 ii. Facilities – last met July 29, 2024 (joint meeting with Finance) iii. Finance – last met July 29, 2024 (joint meeting with Facilities). Schedule next meeting at September 7, 2024 meeting iv. Personnel – last met August 12, 2024 v. Policy – last met July 2, 2024. Schedule next meeting at September 7, 2024 meeting vi. Safety and Transportation – last met July 22, 2024 vii. WASB Regional Meeting, Region 8, September 24, 2024 in Kiel, WI 10. Unfinished Business: Finalized Johnson Bus Company Contract Shelley mentioned that Johnson Bus Company agreed to all of the items that the District/attorney had requested. The new contract is ready for signatures. 11. New Business: a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: i. Resignations/retirements Thomas Lange, MS/HS Tech Ed resigned on August 9, 2024 with liquidated damages of $3,500.00 being paid; Kari Riehl, Social Worker resigned on August 14, 2024 with liquidated damages of $3,500.00 being paid. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the resignation of Thomas Lange and Kari Riehl. Motion carried 7-0-0. ii. Hires Ed Hughes, retired Tech Ed Teacher from Sheboygan Falls who will work the 1st and 2nd trimester (February 27, 2025) at $56,000.00, contingent on passing his background check; Randy Sandum, IT Assistant, will be prorated at $51,272; Football Coaches Tyler Neuman and Elijah O’Laughlin replacing Marchant and Mitchell. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jim Ninnemann to approve the new hires as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. iii. 2024-25 Athletic Co-Curricular Assignment Pay Mrs. Eilbes reviewed the background pertaining to the co-curricular assignment pay. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Mike Weiss to approve the 2024-25 Athletic Co-Curricular Assignment Pay as presented. Motion carried 6-0-1. Sharon Gazzola abstained. iv. 2024-25 Athletic Event Worker Pay Mrs. Eilbes reviewed the background pertaining to the athletic event worker pay. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the 2024-25 Athletic Event Worker Pay as presented. Motion carried 6-0-1. Sharon Gazzola abstained. v. Open Enroll Student Transportation Policy Mrs. Eilbes reviewed the background pertaining to open enrolled student transportation. This was discussion only. It is being recommended to send this to the Policy Committee for review with any changes being implemented in the 2025-2026 school year. vi. Board workshop for District Administrator new WASB evaluation system. Meeting date has been set for October 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. 12. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: a. Board Member Requests for Information 13. Closed Session – the Board convened into closed session at 9:24 p.m. Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 7-0-0. a. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: i. August 5, 2024 Board meeting b. Discussion considering the employment, compensation, or performance of an employee over which the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility i. District Administrator evaluation and goal setting 14. The Board reconvened into open session at 10:20 p.m. Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 7-0-0. 15. Motion to Adjourn by Deb Senn, seconded by Jim Ninnemann at 10:21 p.m. Motion carried 7-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Strand Clerk 9/19 WNAXLP
CITY OF HORICON COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 27, 2024 The Common Council of the City of Horicon met in regular session with Mayor Maas presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Alderpersons present: Frami, Sullivan, Bandsma, Fenske, Schmitz, and Remy. Alderpersons absent: None. Mayor Maas led the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Bandsma, second by Remy, to approve the Council minutes of July 23 and August 14, 2024. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Public Appearances: A resident expressed concern with relocating the free kayaks. Frami, Chairperson of the Personnel & Finance Committee, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the committee which included: administrative services for the CDBG-PF grant and monthly bills. Bandsma, Chairperson of the Public Works & Development Committee, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the committee which included: public works update, water and wastewater updates, and sidewalk maintenance. Fenske, Chairperson of Public Safety Committee, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the committee which included: pedestrian and bicycle safety, portable radar, police department update, upcoming tabletop exercise, Bicycle Program Policy, Kayak Program Policy, location of kayaks, direct seller permits, operator license application, and Temporary Class “B” application. Remy, Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Board, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the board which included: monthly reports, fundraising update, signage for the Bicycle Program, Bicycle Program Policy, Kayak Program Policy, kayak placement, and playgrounds. Sullivan, Council Representative to the Plan Commission, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the commission which included: proposed zoning code amendments and a site plan review. Mayor Maas announced school starts one week from today and encouraged drivers to be aware of pedestrians. Maas stated he is excited for school sports to be back. The following resolution was introduced by Alderperson Frami: RESOLUTION 2024-14, RESOLUTION SUPPORTING FRA CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY OF HORICON’S RAILROAD CROSSING ELIMINATION GRANT APPLICATION. (Copy of Resolution available at clerk's office) Ben Rohr of Vandewalle & Associates gave a brief explanation of the grant being sought. Discussion was held relating to some of the safety items relating to the railroad this grant could provide. Vote on the above motion. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Fenske, second by Frami, to move the kayaks out of Bowling Green Park, due to safety concerns, to a location to be determined. Discussion was held relating to moving of the kayaks. Items discussed included safety, donation of items, rain totals, location of the dam, and length of program at this location. Vote on the above motion. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Fenske, second by Remy, to grant a Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License to Horicon Phoenix Program for use in Kiwanis Park on September 15, 2024. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Frami, second by Bandsma, to approve the CDBG-PF Grant Administration Profes-sional Services Agreement from MSA Professional Services, Inc. in the amount of $36,000. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to accept donated Bicycle Safety Signage and locate the signage at Bicycle Program rack locations. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to approve the City of Horicon Bicycle Program Policy as distributed in the Council packet. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to approve the City of Horicon Kayak Program Policy as distributed in the Council packet. Discussion was held relating to the Policy listing the kayak location as Bowling Green Park. Vote on the above motion. Voting NAY: Remy, Frami, Sullivan, Bandsma, Fenske, and Schmitz. Motion failed. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to accept the donation of a canoe and two paddles from Matthew Schraufnagel. Discussion was held relating to placement of the canoe as the kayaks are now being removed. Vote on the above motion. Voting AYE: Remy and Fenske. Voting NAY: Frami, Sullivan, Bandsma, and Schmitz. Motion failed. Motion by Remy, second by Schmitz, to approve a Street Use Permit for the Horicon Historical Society for use of Winter Street October 11 – November 4, 2024 for their annual Haunted History Tour. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Ben Rohr presented proposed signage for Marshland Crossing Business Park and gateway signage for the City of Horicon. Discussion was held relating to the options including cost, signage material, and distance between the signs if two were selected. Motion by Remy, second by Schmitz, to select Option 2 of two signs with the Marshland Crossing Business Park sign being metal and the City of Horicon sign being stone. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Fenske, second by Remy, to grant a Two Year Operator License for the year ending June 30, 2026 to Kathryn J. Kowols. All voting AYE. Motion carried. The following is a financial statement for the City of Horicon as of July 31, 2024. Cash Balance, July 1, 2024 $ 92,304.80 Receipts $ 935,264.16 $ 1,027,568.96 Expenditures $ 474,277.63 $ 553,291.33 Payroll $ 111,928.18 Cash Balance, July 31, 2024 $ 441,363.15 Motion by Frami, second by Bandsma, to approve the financial statement for July 31, 2024 as printed. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Frami, second by Bandsma, to approve payment of bills for July 2024 in the amount of $1,255,221.30. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Frami, second by Schmitz, to adjourn into closed session for the purpose of deliberating terms of a development agreement per WI Stats. 19.85(1)(e). All voting AYE. Motion carried. The Council adjourned into closed session. Kristen M. Jacobson, City Clerk-Treasurer WNAXLP DCP 9/12
CITY OF WAUPACA ABRIDGED COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL (with the option to attend virtually via video / teleconferencing) TUESDAY AUGUST 6, 2024 6:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to regulations, the Common Council of the city of Waupaca met on the above date and time. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CLERK TO READ OPEN MEETING STATEMENT Barb Nowak, City Clerk stated this meeting and all meetings of the Common Council are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the Media, in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes so that the citizens may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Brian Smith, Alderpersons Collin Dykstra, Eric Halverson, Dmitri Martin, Paul Mayou, Cory Nagel, Eric Olson, Dave Peterson and Henry Veleker Absent: Paul Hagen and Scott Purchatzke A quorum was declared. Also Present: Aaron Jenson, City Administrator, Barb Nowak, City Clerk, Mat Klatt, KlattAero, Eric Bailey, Library Director, Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director, Stephanie Reif, Finance Director, Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director, Brian Hoelzel, Chief of Police, Josh Werner, IT Community Media Director 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member or City staff so requests it, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda. The items selected for the Consent Agenda are as follows: Regular and Special Meeting Minutes, Monthly Income Report for the Parks and Recreation Department, Airport Hangar Reports, Monthly Department Head Reports, Payrolls and Bills, Quarterly Weights and Measures Reports, Quarterly Room Tax Reports, Second Reading of Ordinances, if received a unanimous recommendation at the previous meeting, project invoices for projects previously approved by City Council, any low bid budgeted operating or capital expenditure under $25,000 approved by the appropriate Board or Committee and any expenditure of non-city funds that received a unanimous recommendation. A) PAY REQUESTS AND CHANGE ORDERS, INVOICES FOR PROJECTS/CONTRACTS HAVING PRIOR COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ANY OTHER INVOICES THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL: none B) MONTHLY/QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORTS: C) APPROVAL OF BILLS – CITY GENERAL, WATER, SEWER, AND SPECIAL FUNDS D) MEETING MINUTES: AIRPORT BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 23, 2024 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 16, 2024 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 15, 2024 SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 2, 2024 MOVED by Ald. Olson SECONDED by Ald. Nagel, Council APPROVES of the Consent Agenda as presented. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 6. REGULAR AGENDA MOVED by Ald. Martin, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES of the Regular Agenda as presented. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. A. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: a. Presentation – Certificate of Appreciation to Michael Walkush for 15 years of service to the City b. Presentation – Certificate of Appreciation to Larry Fosgate for 20 years of service to the City 2. PUBLIC INPUT - Informational B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None C. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Request to Expand Outdoor Service Area for Hinderfest Festival on Saturday September 7, 2024 from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm – Mike Stroik, H.H. Hinder Brewing Co MOVED by Ald. Dykstra SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES request for expansion of premise for outdoor service area for Hinderfest Festival on Saturday September 7, 2024 from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 2. License Report No. 1685 - “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License – Mexican Store La Tabasquena, LLC, 206 N Main St, Jose E Ulin Mendez, Agent - Barb Nowak, City Clerk MOVED by Ald. Mayou, SECONDED by Ald. Peterson, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1685 - “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License – Mexican Store La Tabasquena, LLC, 206 N. Main St, Jose E Ulin Mendez, Agent. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 3. Recovery Community Overdose Awareness Walk and Placing Ribbons on Trees – Justine Leavitt MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Martin, Council APPROVES Recovery Community Overdose Awareness Walk and placing ribbons on trees along the walk, ribbons to be removed within 2 weeks of the walk. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 4. Presentation of 2023 Audit Report – Jay Bennett, Johnson Block MOVED by Ald. Veleker, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES presentation of 2023 Audit Report as presented. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 5. Amended Development Agreement for 223 S. Division St. Between Schuelke Properties, LLC and the City of Waupaca – Aaron Jenson, City Administrator MOVED by Ald. Dykstra, SECONDED by Ald. Nagel, Council APPROVES the proposed amendments to the development agreement between Schuelke Properties, LLC and the City of Waupaca. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Nagel, Mayou, Halverson, Peterson, Veleker, Martin, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 6. Contract Between City of Waupaca and Hart Law Office for Municipal Legal Services – Aaron Jenson, City Administrator MOVED by Ald. Martin, SECONDED by Ald. Mayou, Council APPROVES the proposed contract between the City of Waupaca and Hart Law Office, LLC for Municipal Legal Services. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Nagel, Veleker, Halverson, Peterson, Mayou, Martin, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 7. Mayor Smith’s Appointment of Jake Waller and Matt Vassar to the Emergency Management Committee – Paul Mayou, Council President MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Peterson, Council APPROVES Mayor Smith’s appointment of Jake Waller and Matt Vassar to the Emergency Management Committee. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 8. Agreement with Jon Peotter – 660 Hillcrest Drive and Utility Re-alignment – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Dykstra, SECONDED by Ald. Halverson, Council APPROVES agreement with Mr. Jon Peotter for the 660 Hillcrest Drive utility realignment. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Nagel, Mayou, Halverson, Peterson, Veleker, Martin, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 9. 2024 Capital Roadway Project – Final Request – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES awarding American Asphalt of Mosinee, WI the 2024 Capital Roadway Repave Construction Project for an amount not to exceed $20,945, from GO Bonds. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Peterson, Dykstra, Nagel, Halverson, Martin, Mayou, Veleker and Olson, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. MOVED by Ald. Mayou, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES entering into an agreement with Waupaca County Highway Chipseal work in the amount not to exceed $35,000, from GO Bonds. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Martin, Veleker, Olson, Halverson, Peterson, Dykstra, Mayou and Nagel, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 10. Amendment Agreement #2 – Cedar Corporation – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Veleker, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES the amended current agreement with Cedar Corporation to include water main design work on Holbeck Street for an amount not to exceed $8,050. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Martin, Nagel, Halverson, Peterson, Veleker, Mayou, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 11. License Report No. 1684 – Operator licenses – Barb Nowak, City Clerk MOVED by Ald. Peterson, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1684 – Operator Licenses. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. D. ISSUES/PROJECT DISCUSSION (30 MINUTE MAXIMUM) – NO ACTION REQUIRED E. COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MAYOR F. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Peterson, Council ADJOURNS until the next Regular Council Meeting on August 20, 2024, subject to call. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:36 P.M. Mayor Brian Smith Audio of all Council meetings can be found on the City of Waupaca website: bn Publish Sept. 12, 2024 WNAXLP
De Pere WNAXLP Common Council Regular Meeting Final Minutes Tuesday, August 6, 2024 7:30 PM Council Chambers & Virtual The following is a summary of actions taken at the 8/6/24 Common Council meeting. A complete copy of the minutes is available in the Clerk’s office at 335 S Broadway, De Pere WI or online at Citizens/Default.asp 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor James Boyd. Alds. Carpenter, Gantz, Hansen, Kundinger, Ledvina, & Perock were present; Eserkaln & Quigley were excused. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Approval of the minutes of the July 16, 2024 Common Council meeting. Motion Carpenter second Perock APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 4. Public comment upon matters not on the agenda. Comments made during the public comment period shall pertain only to matters under the jurisdiction of the Common Council. §6-3(f) DPMC 5. Commendation for De Pere Boys Baseball Team Championship. This item was postponed until the August 20th Council meeting. 6. Consideration and Possible Action on the following Community Service Grant applications: Motion Ledvina second Gantz to award $600 to each applicant. APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] A. Compassionate Home Health Care - Health & Hygiene Popup Hub. Motion Ledvina second Gantz to open the meeting. [UNANIMOUS] The applicant addressed the Council. Motion Carpenter second Ledvina to close the meeting. [UNANIMOUS] B. Lovin the Skin I'm In - Providing Access to Hair Care Products for Kids of Color in Foster Care 7. Consideration and Possible Action on Rock the Dock Request to Use Public Parking Lots. Motion Gantz second Carpenter APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 8. Recommendation from Plan Commission to approve the FINAL De Pere Comprehensive Housing Study and Action Plan. Motion Hansen second Gantz APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 9. Recommendation from Plan Commission to approve a 2 lot CSM at 2000 Commerce DR (Parcel ED-3103, ED-3104, ED-3105). Motion Hansen second Gantz APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 10. Consideration and Possible Action on Development Agreement with Amerilux Holdings, LLC. Motion Perock second Kundinger APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 11. Resolution #24-63 Authorizing Agreement regarding the Sale and Purchase of Business Park Property Between the City of De Pere and T Jansen Enterprises, LLC (Parcel ED-2077-1; 1405 Enterprise Drive). Motion Hansen second Carpenter ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 12. Resolution #24-64 Approving Amendment to Facade Improvement Project Application and Authorizing Disbursement of Grant (407 Main Avenue - Parcel WD-885). Motion Perock second Ledvina ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 13. Resolution #24-65 Approving Amendment to Facade Improvement Project Application and Authorizing Disbursement of Grant for (409 Main Avenue - Parcel WD-886). Motion Ledvina second Gantz ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 14. Resolution #24-66 Approving Housing Stock Improvement Mortgage and Loan and Authorizing Disbursement to Danielle Jauquet (719 North Michigan Street - Parcel ED-16). Motion Perock second Ledvina ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 15. Resolution #24-67 Authorizing Development Agreement Between the City of De Pere and De Pere 230 Development Partners LLC Former Shopko Site - Building F (Parcel Nos. ED-861 and ED-875). Motion Carpenter second Perock ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 16. Resolution #24-68 Approving Release of Easement Rights for Parcel ED-861 (Former Shopko Site). Motion Hansen second Gantz ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 17. Resolution #24-69 Approving the Tenth Amendment to Central Brown County Water Authority Water Purchase and Sale Contract. Motion Ledvina second Carpenter ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 18. Future agenda items. 19. Possible Discussion and Action on Walmart Litigation for Excessive Assessment for 1415 Lawrence Drive (Parcel No. WD-D0011-1). Motion Carpenter second Gantz to enter closed session at 8:44 PM. [UNANIMOUS] 20. Possible Discussion and Action on Garroman Drive and 2535 Lawrence Drive (Parcel No. WD-L482-1). 21. Discussion and Possible Action on Potential Acquisition of Private Property for Public Purposes. Motion Gantz second Kundinger to return to open session at 9:13 PM. [UNANIMOUS] 22. Adjournment. Motion Carpenter second Kundinger to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 PM. [UNANIMOUS] Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Carey Danen Publish 09.13.24 WNAXLP
Howard-Suamico WNAXLP Regular Board of Education Meeting/Board Retreat – August 5, 2024 Present: Greg Klimek, Allen McGuire, Scott Jandrin, Chrissy Amtmann, Vanessa Moran, Amy Rubright, Rachelle Paulsen, Student Representatives Jessica Gagan, Heidi Wustrack Excused: Jennifer Garceau Also Present: Mark Smith, Mike Juech, Elisia Lewis, Chad Buboltz, Kimberly Uelmen President Greg Klimek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A MOTION was made by Scott Jandrin and seconded by Allen McGuire to adopt the agenda. A vote was taken on the motion; 7–YES; MOTION CARRIED. Recognition of 2 MYLES 4 AUTISM – President Klimek and Vanessa Moran recognized Ryan & Ally Welnetz, Renee Gantz-Nett and Travis Truskowski for their 13 years of dedicated efforts to shift the awareness of autism to acceptance of and raise money to directly benefit students with autism in the Howard-Suamico School District. Consent Agenda: A MOTION was made by Scott Jandrin and seconded by Allen McGuire to approve the consent agenda including minutes of the Regular Board Meeting & Retreat July 15, 2024; approval of vouchers and invoices in the amount of $6,996,868.61 through August 5, 2024; resignation of Genevieve Artel; employment of Morgan Dewhurst contingent upon successful completion of all pre-employment requirements including release of contract from other District if applicable; appointment of Dennis Rader as Independent Hearing Officer, and Paul Hemmer, Alternate Independent Hearing Officer as detailed in the consent materials. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES. MOTION CARRIED . Administrative Superintendent Informational Update of Staff Engagement Survey – Supt. Smith and Human Resources Director, Elisia Lewis, shared the results of the survey conducted April 2024 resulting in 508 total responses. The top three takeaways were: Ninety-eight percent of respondents feel that HSSD is a good place to work, fifty-five percent of respondents feel our school’s student behavior practices and policies are effective, and ninety-six percent of the respondents also feel that our parents and community support the school district. Next steps include department planning, principal engagement and incorporation of action steps for school improvement plans. Approval of Executive Limitation EL-4 Treatment of Staff Monitoring Report - A MOTION was made by Greg Klimek and seconded by Scott Jandrin to approve EL-4 Treatment of Staff Monitoring Report at a level 1, in full compliance as presented and verified by the Board in the Official Board Response to EL-4 Treatment of Staff Monitoring Report. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES; MOTION CARRIED . Expulsion Process Informational Update - Supt. Smith provided an informational update regarding the District’s expulsion process. Design Team Informational Update - Supt. Smith, Vanessa Moran and Chrissy Amtmann provided brief updates on the design team and administrative team process towards planning the December Stronger Together community conversation. Operations Facilities Update – Superintendent Smith and Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Mike Juech, shared information on the construction project updates and considerations for future planning. Also announced was the Bay View Community Open House event scheduled for September 25, 2024, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Board Student Representatives to the Board (Jessica Gagan & Heidi Wustrack) – Jessica and Heidi shared information on fall sports, the robotics class at Forest Glen, and getting ready for the start of school. CESA 7 Report (Amy Rubright)– None. Public Policy Correspondent Report (Vanessa Moran) – Vanessa shared that parts of ACT 10 have been deemed unconstitutional, but that no action is needed at this time. Additionally, the statewide student behavior survey results have come out. Board President Board/Superintendent Relations B/SR-1 Unity of Control Monitoring Report A MOTION was made by Allen McGuire and seconded by Scott Jandrin to approve B/SR-1 Unity of Control Monitoring Report at Level 1, in full and complete compliance, as presented and verified by the Board in the Official Board Response to Board/Superintendent Relations Policy Monitoring Report. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES: MOTION CARRIED. Board/Superintendent Relations B/SR-2 Accountability of the Superintendent Policy Monitoring Report - A MOTION was made by Chrissy Amtmann and seconded by Amy Rubright to approve Board/Superintendent Relations B/SR-2 Accountability of the Superintendent Policy Monitoring Report at level 1, in full and complete compliance, as presented and verified by the Board in the Official Board Response to Board/Superintendent Relations Policy Monitoring Report. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES; MOTION CARRIED. Governance Process GP-1 Board Mission Monitoring Report – A MOTION was made by Scott Jandrin and seconded by Allen McGuire to approve GP-1, Board Mission Monitoring Report at level 1, in full compliance, as presented and verified by the Board in the Official Board Response to Governance Policy Monitoring Report. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES: MOTION CARRIED . A MOTION was made by Allen McGuire and seconded by Scott Jandrin to modify the Board Mission statement to match the District’s Mission statement. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES; MOTION CARRIED . Governance Process GP-3 Governing Style Monitoring Report – A MOTION was made by Scott Jandrin and seconded by Greg Klimek to approve Governance Process GP-3, Governing Style Monitoring Report at level 1, in full compliance. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES; MOTION CARRIED . Review August Broadcast Communication Article and Discuss September Broadcast Communication Article – Article was approved. Chrissy Amtmann was assigned the September article. Discuss WASB Resolutions for Delegate Assembly –The Board has nothing to submit. Upcoming Events – The Board reviewed upcoming events. September Board Meeting Agenda Items –The Board reviewed the agenda planning calendar. Board Meeting/District Highlights – Board members shared feedback. A MOTION was made by Scott Jandrin and seconded by Amy Rubright to go into Executive Session at 7:46 p.m. pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85(1)(c) Personnel Matter; Roll call vote: Klimek-YES; Moran-YES; Rubright-YES; McGuire-YES; Jandrin-YES; Amtmann-YES; Paulsen-YES; 7-YES; MOTION CARRIED . The Board reconvened from EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:21 p.m. A MOTION was made by Scott Jandrin and seconded by Vanessa Moran to adjourn at 8:23 pm. A vote was taken on the motion; 7-YES; MOTION CARRIED . Respectfully submitted, Lisa Harmann and Kim McDougal, Recording Secretary Publish 09.13.24 WNAXLP
Kewaskum School District Board of Education Regular Meeting Thursday, August 8, 2024 The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Leister in the Kewaskum High School located at 1510 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI. Roll Call of Board members present: Dennis Aupperle, Stephanie Bird, Jim Leister, Ric Leitheiser, Sue Miller, Timothy Ramthun. Excused: Bradley Petersen Following a moment of silence, Dr. Bazata verified that the meeting had been posted pursuant to §19.84(1)(2)(3)(4). TRamthun/DAupperle motion to approve agenda as presented. Motion passed 6-0. DAupperle led the Pledge of Allegiance. Consent Agenda SBird/DAupperle motion to approve the consent agenda including; minutes - special meeting 07/11/24 and regular meeting 07/18/24; Instructional Hires - Steve Hoagland Science Teacher, Elizabeth Fulton Art Teacher, Karie Gerke Physical Therapist/Sp Ed Teacher; Extracurricular Resignations - Jayne Steiner Rocket Club Advisor; Extracurricular Hires - Joseph Wiedmeyer JV Wrestling Coach, Steve Hoagland Assistant Football Coach, Brian Vetter Kewaskum Way Club Advisor, Dana Fochs 5th Grade Intramurals Coach, Bret Klapper Assistant Chess Advisor. Motion passed 6-0. Items for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/TRamthun motion to approve payroll report for $1,777,078.20. Motion passed 6-0. RLeitheiser/SBird motion to approve accounts payable for $709,629.48. Motion passed 6-0. SBird/DAupperle motion to approve Open Enrollment of one(1) 5K student and one(1) 4th grade student as presented. Motion passed 6-0. Purchases over $7,500 for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/SMiller motion, per recommendation from 08/07/24 Finance Committee, to approve the 2024-2025 subscription to the Educere/Founders Academy for $1,499 per virtual student not to exceed 15 students. Motion passed 6-0. RLeitheiser/DAupperle motion to approve the cost of the Project SEARCH program for the 2024-2025 school year for $10,000 to be funded by the IDEA Grant. Motion passed 6-0. RLeitheiser/DAupperle motion, per recommendation from 08/07/24 Finance Committee, to approve KHS Elevator Repair by MEI in the amount of $9,225.00. Motion passed 6-0. Policy TRamthun/SBird motion, per recommendation from 07/17/24 Policy Committee, to approve revised policy 2240 Controversial Issues in the Classroom. Motion passed 6-0. Adjournment TRamthun/SMiller motion to adjourn meeting. Motion passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Minutes by: Lisa Heiser, Executive Assistant Approved: September 13, 2024 Board President: Jim Leister 9/19 WNAXLP
MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NEW LONDON BOARD OF EDUCATION AT THE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Monday, August 26, 2024 PRESENT: K. Batten, M. Grossman, N. Grundy, J. Heideman, C. Martinson, H. Schweitzer, and M. Wilz. I. VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION (PUBLIC FORUM) ● Bill Krostue, N3529 Sunset Lane, New London: he stated that Brenda Fischer leaving is a huge loss for New London and a gain for Waupaca; retaining qualified staff is in our mission statement—did we do this? II. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by C. Martinson, President. A quorum was established. The pledge of allegiance was led by C. Martinson. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of 2024-2025 Academic Year Board of Education Regular and Special Meeting Dates The Board meetings dates for the 2024-2025 academic year were revised. The meetings dates with conflicts will be changed as follows: • Monday, November 25, will be changed from Wednesday, November 27 • Monday, January 20, will be changed from Wednesday, January 22 • Tuesday, May 27, will be changed from Wednesday, May 28 B. Review of Revised Policies/Administrative Guidelines The following policies/administrative guidelines were reviewed. The revised policies will be recommended for approval at the next Board meeting. • 535 Assignments and Transfers— Certified Staff • 535.1 Professional Staff Work Schedules (NO POLICY) • 535.11 Use of Conference/ Preparation Periods • 536 Reduction in Professional Staff Work Force (NO POLICY) • 536.1 Resignation of Certified Staff Members • 536.2 Employee Discipline • 536.4 Non-Renewal of Certified Staff Contracts • 538 Employee Evaluation Program • 539 Miscellaneous Professional Staff Policies (NO POLICY) • 539.1 Intellectual Property/Outside Activities of Staff • 540 Support Staff Policies (Section Title) • 541 Support Staff Positions (See 531) • 543 Support Staff Recruiting and Hiring (NO POLICY) • 543.1 Background Checks (See 533.1) • 542.2 Support Staff Salaries/Fringe Benefits (NO POLICY) • 542.21 Health Insurance—Continued Coverage Upon Termination of Employment (See 532.21) • 542.3 Support Staff Leaves and Absences (NO POLICY) • 542.31 Family and Medical Leave (See 532.31) • 544 Substitute Support Staff Members • 545 Assignments and Transfers— Support Staff • 546 Reduction in Support Staff Work Force (NO POLICY) • 546.1 Resignation of Support Staff Members • 546.2 Employee Discipline (See 536.2) • 546.21 Suspension and/or Dismissal of Support Staff Members • 548 Employee Evaluation Program (See 538) C. Annual Review and Potential Approval of Investment Manager with Wisconsin OPEB Trust J. Marquardt reviewed OPEB Trust information. It was moved by M. Grossman and seconded by M. Wilz to approve Prudent Man Advisors, LLC, as the Wisconsin OPEB investment manager as presented. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 6-0. H. Schweitzer arrived. D. Review and Potential Approval of Wisconsin Association of School Board Resolution It was moved by J. Heideman and seconded by M. Wilz to approve and submit WASB resolution recommendation to revise school accountability practices in reference to the District and State School Report Cards as revised. Motion carried. E. Review and Potential Approval to Develop WASB Bylaw Changes to Delegate Assembly Voting Procedures The Board discussed recommending a change to the WASB Bylaws to address the current CESA representative voting members during the annual WASB delegate assembly. It was moved by J. Heideman and seconded by K. Batten to advance the initiative of one vote per school district. Motion carried. V. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by M. Grossman and seconded by H. Schweitzer to enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes as listed on the agenda at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. It was moved by J. Heideman and seconded by M. Wilz to enter open session at 7:42 p.m. Motion carried. VI. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION TO TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS A. Resignation of Personnel It was moved by M. Grossman and seconded by K. Batten to approve the following resignations: • Mya Martin, Educational Assistant Intermediate/Middle School • Danielle Sievert, Director of Teaching and Learning • Kim Young, Educational Assistant, Parkview Elementary School Motion carried. B. Employment of Personnel It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by N. Grundy to approve employment of the following: • Kansas Crain, Educational Assistant • Jessica Fietzer, Educational Assistant • Jaimie Green, Educational Assistant • Ashley Klabunde, Educational Assistant • Bruce Peth, Bus Driver • Co-Curricular Contracts Motion carried. VII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by J. Heideman and seconded by K. Batten to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Motion carried. Katie Batten, Clerk Publish Sept. 19, 2024 WNAXLP
Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 13, 2024 5:30 PM District Meeting Room, 1048 E King Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487 Present: W. Quesinberry, S. Woodall, S. Bolder, R. Huseby, J. Lauber, M. Schommer, and (2) staff members I. Call to Order: R. Zimmerman called the meeting to order at approximately 5:30 pm II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call: Present: L. Calhoun, D. Huseby, K. Kissinger Wolf, D. Long, B. Skubal, A. Swenty, D. Velleux, R. Zimmerman Absent: S. Kirsch IV. Declaration of a Quorum: R. Zimmerman declared there was a quorum. V. Adoption of Agenda: Motion by D. Huseby and seconded by L. Calhoun to adopt the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. VI. District Administrator Report: W. Quesinberry presented to the Board. No official action was taken. VII. Consent Agenda Items A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on July 9, 2024. B Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on July 9, 2024 C Approve the Minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on August 2, 2024 D Approve the Invoices from July 2024 E Employment/Contract Adjustments 1. Replacement Staff Scott Schumann MS/HS Spanish Teacher8th Grade Regular Education Levi Ott Paraprofessional Amanda Woller Middle School LMC Paraprofessional Jeffrey LeTempt 2nd Grade Teacher Dan Reiter High School PBIS Coach Gina Le Tempt 1st Grade Teacher (Contingent upon approval of current teacher's resignation) Brianna Lundquist Elementary Special Ed. Paraprofessional John Sample Interim Special Education/Pupil Service Director 2. Resignations Matt Turkiewicz Strength & Conditioning coach (50%) Katie Hanna 4th Grade Teacher Wendy Simonis Director of Pupil Services Todd Frederickson Middle School Football Assistant Coach Kiahna Weber Elementary Special Ed. Paraprofessional 3. Above Pay Kole Woodall Middle School Football Head Coach Raleigh Jahn Middle School Football Assistant Coach Amber Troutman Middle School Volleyball Head Coach Nichole Scholz Middle School Volleyball Assistant Coach Aubrey Fryar High School Volleyball Assistant Coach Justin Lund Middle School Cross Country Head Coach Amanda Bandoch Middle School Cross Country Assistant Coach 4. Volunteers Aaron Nieman Middle School Football Volunteer Coach Eli Wurl Middle School Football Volunteer Coach Payton DuPlayee Middle School Football Volunteer Coach 5. New Position Don Richert Middle School return to Learn Paraprofessional F Donations Pow Wow Days 5k/10k Runs Committee $2,900 towards High School Cross Count Thrivent $250 towards High School Cross Country G Approve the Minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee Meeting on August 2, 2024 Motion by B. Skubal and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the consent agenda items. 7 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. The motion carried. VIII. Staff Reports: Taylor Remington - Community Education Update IX. Approval of Student Handbooks for Elementary, Middle and High Schools: Motion by D. Huseby and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the student handbooks as presented. The motion carried unanimously. X. Seclusion and Restraint Annual Report: The Board reviewed the Seclusion and Restraint Annual Report. No official action was taken. XI. Approve the MOU for District Medical Advisor: Motion by K. Kissinger Wolf and seconded by D. Long to approve R. Schertz as the Medical Advisor for 2024-25. The motion carried unanimously. XII. Finance Report : The Board discussed the Q4 Financial Report. Motion by A. Swenty and seconded by L. Calhoun to approve the Q4 Financial Report. The motion carried unanimously. A. Approve preliminary Budget for 2024-25. W. Quesinberry presented on the preliminary Budget for 2024-2025. Motion by D. Long and seconded by K. Kissinger Wolf to approve the preliminary Budget for 2024-25. The motion carried unanimously. XIII. Approval of the 2025 8th grade Washington DC trip. Cassie Cerny presented a proposal for a trip to Washington DC for 8th grade students. Motion by B. Skubal and seconded by A. Swenty to approve the 2025 8th grade Washington DC trip. The motion carried unanimously. XIV. Approve proposal to modify High School Counselor position to ACP Coordinator for 2024-25 school year. R. Huseby presented the proposal to modify the High School Counselor position to ACP Coordinator for the 2024-25 school year. Motion by D. Long and seconded by B. Skubal to approve the modification of the High School Counselor position to ACP Coordinator for the 2024-25 school year. Motion by D. Huseby to amend the motion and add criteria to review the addition of a second guidance counselor position in the future. The motion carried unanimously. XV. Public Comment: There was no public comment. XVI. Board Referrals: A. Swenty; Acknowledged K. Hanna’s service with the District. K. Kissinger Wolf; Open house for Historical Society D. Velleux; Acknowledged CESA 9 for their scorecard ranking. XVII. Approve suspension of District Registration Fee: W. Quesinberry presented a proposal to suspend the District Registration Fee. Motion by L. Calhoun and seconded by A. Swenty to suspend the District Registration Fee. The motion carried unanimously. XVIII. Motion by D. Long and seconded by L. Calhoun to move into a closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility." The motion carried unanimously in a roll call vote. A Personnel Matters XIX. Adjourn: R. Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:23 pm __________________________ Board Clerk Published September 18, 2024 WNAXLP
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 13, 2024 Regular Meeting Pursuant to the regulations, the regular Board meeting was held on the above date in the Waupaca High School Community Room and live streamed via YouTube. The meeting was also broadcast on TV Channel 991. The purpose of the Board Meeting Minutes is to capture the essence of discussions through the actions voted on. These minutes should not be interpreted to represent a transcription of the meeting. To watch a recording of this meeting, please click here. President’s Comments and Pledge of Allegiance: Ron Brooks welcomed everyone and asked Laurie Schmidt to lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Ron Brooks at 5:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present in the WHS Community Room: Ron Brooks, Steve Klismet, Molly McDonald, Betty Manion, Dale Feldt, and Lori Verhalen. Excused: Bob Adams. Also Present: Present in the WHS Community Room: Craig Gerlach, Sandy Lucas, Mark Flaten, Austin Moore, Laurie Schmidt, Michael Werbowsky, Jenifer Erb, John Erspamer, Jody Pankratz, Carrie Naparalla, Rob Scherrer, Kyle Scherwinski, Sandy Robinson, Marsha Purchatzke, and Wayne Netzler. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Molly McDonald to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Public Comment: Mr. Wayne Netzler from Waupaca Radio addressed the Board regarding the annual 4th of July parade and the community feedback he has received, particularly that no one from the School Board was involved in the parade nor in the past two years has the WHS marching band participated. The community would like to see the marching band participate next year. Marsha Purchatzke of GoRiteway advised that they have collected a lot of school supplies during the “Stuff the Bus” event. The last day of this event is next Friday when they will be having a brat fry at Hansen’s Furniture from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., with the proceeds going to the School District. Review of Board Meeting Norms: The Board reviewed their collective commitments. Board Reports: Approval of Minutes: July 9, 2024 Regular Board Meeting July 16, 2024 Finance Committee Meeting A motion was made by Molly McDonald and seconded by Betty Manion to approve the Minutes of the Board meetings listed above as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Upcoming Meetings and Other Activities: The Board was reminded of the following upcoming meetings and other activities: August 20, 2024 - New Staff Gathering - 11:30 a.m. August 28, 2024 - Back to School Breakfast - 7:30 a.m. September 10, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting - 5:30 p.m. Completion of Board Member Availability Calendar: The Board members were asked to complete their availability calendars through September. CEC Liaison Report: CEC Liaison Betty Manion advised that she attended the July 16, 2024, Governance Council (GC) meeting. Two new GC board members were elected – Wayne Netzler and Nick Burington. A report regarding the playground was reviewed as well as the financial report. The GC would like to have WRCCS come in and do a presentation, so when that is scheduled they will invite the SDW Board of Education to join them. The Sources of Strength Program is going well, and CEC’s enrollment for the upcoming school year is good. She also attended the August 9, 2024, meeting where the GC accepted the resignation of long-time member Becky Lange. They also continued discussion regarding the playground. The 2024-2025 budget was approved as well as the annual report. She noted that CEC’s open house is on August 28. Mrs. Manion also shared that she attended the two-day WRCCS Conference where information was presented on many topics including contracts, marketing, the authorizer and relationships. Of particular interest was the presentation on how to lead with clarity and promise. Mrs. Manion advised that she could provide a report on this conference to the School Board if desired Finance Committee Meeting: Committee Chairperson Dale Feldt advised that the Finance Committee met on July 16, 2024, to discuss several items and made the following recommendations to the full Board. A motion was made by Dale Feldt, per Committee recommendation, to approve a District-sanctioned, stand-alone Girls Wrestling Program and coach as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Mr. Feldt advised that the second item of discussion related to partnering with GoFan to provide a digital ticketing platform. Director of Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics Rob Scherrer added that there have been some changes since the Committee meeting. He advised that the Blue and White game will unfortunately not be happening this year. In addition, the District will have to sign a one-year contract with GoFan, which is the #1 rated digital ticketing platform. The contract states that the District cannot go with a different vendor during the course of the year, but if the District is not happy with how the new ticketing/concessions platform is working, it can stop using it at any time. The District will be under no obligation to renew the contract. It was also noted that the use of cash will continue to be allowed through at least this year. A motion was made by Dale Feldt, per Committee recommendation, to approve the District partnering with GoFan for digital ticketing and concessions, and keep single game ticket prices and season passes the same, as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Committee Chairperson Feldt summarized the Committee’s discussion regarding the uncashed check from Blenker Building Systems (Blenker) which is over two years old. Interim District Administrator Craig Gerlach shared that WHS Associate Principal Jenifer Erb has reached out to Jason of Blenker and he is supposed to get back to her with the hopes of reestablishing a business relationship and perhaps consider reissuing the check. Ms. Erb added that Blenker did sell a portion of its business but they are still in the construction business. It was suggested that the Board put this recommendation on hold for now. However, Director of Business Services Austin Moore pointed out that the check cannot be cashed at this point anyway so it should be destroyed. An amended motion was made by Dale Feldt, per Committee recommendation, to destroy the uncashed check from Blenker Building Systems dated April 15, 2022, in the amount of $18,923.81, as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Betty Manion to approve the items of the consent agenda as presented. Financial Reports: Accounts Payable Updated Staffing Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year Resignations: Pearl Meyer - WHS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Ashley Huebner - WMS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Felicity Rafalski - WMS 5th Grade Teacher Tammy Larson - CEC Ed. Asst. Kate Rolfs - CEC Ed. Asst. Shelly Burkett - WLC Food Service Class 3A Jackie Handrich - WHS Ed. Asst. Ana Grimm - District Bilingual Ed. Asst. Hires – 2024-2025 School Year: Cheri Barlow - WMS 5th Grade Teacher Kristen Hanten - WMS 5th Grade Teacher Noah Saecker - District Network Engineer Brenda Fischer - WHS Special Education Teacher Keri Tyler - CEC Health Aide Extra Curricular Coaches and Advisors – 2024-2025 School Year: WHS Coaching Positions: Jessica Bank - Varsity Cross Country Tom Noltner - Varsity Girls Golf Bennett Hansen - Varsity Football Cody Kimball - Football JV1 Assistant Bryan Fay - Football JV1 Assistant Tony Altmann - Football JV1 Assistant Paul Higgins - Football JV2 Assistant Wes Van Epps - Football JV2 Assistant Jeremy Koehler - Varsity Boys Soccer Camryn Borland - Boys Soccer JV1 Liz Kneer - Varsity Volleyball Annie Nelson - Volleyball JV1 Melanie Peterson - Volleyball JV2 Matt Resch - Varsity Boys Basketball Ethan Dayton - Boys Basketball JV1 Ryan Dayton - Boys Basketball JV2 Rob Scherrer - Varsity Girls Basketball Forrest Wright - Varsity Boys Hockey Dawson Bohm - Boys Hockey JV1 Bryon Prey - Varsity Wrestling Paul Frank - Wrestling JV1 Rocky Mondello - Varsity Baseball Ethan Dayton - Baseball JV1 Ryan Dayton - Baseball JV2 Tom Noltner - Varsity Boys Golf Rudy Pate - Boys Golf Assistant Jeremy Koehler - Varsity Girls Soccer Payton Thurber - Varsity Softball Calan Stichman - Softball JV1 Lana Johnson - Varsity Boys Track Bryan Fay - Boys Track Assistant Joel Kempfert - Varsity Girls Track WHS Volunteer Coaching Positions: Paul Przybelski - Cross Country Justin Berrens - Football Paul Christian - Football Tristan Schelvan - Football Rudy Pate - Football Collin Hawkins - Football Joel DeYoung - Boys Soccer Meghan Ruffalo - Volleyball Nancy Tice - Volleyball Jacob Bina - Volleyball Zach Alix - Boys Basketball Paul Christian - Boys Basketball Kyle Hotvedt - Boys Basketball Rocky Mondello - Girls Basketball Tim Guyer - Boys Hockey Cody Rasmussen - Boys Hockey Charlie Wanty - Wrestling Dave Yeska - Baseball Jay Krcmar - Baseball Jeff Dolski - Baseball Ryan Makuski - Baseball Stephen Johnson - Boys Golf Jed DeYoung - Girls Soccer Camryn Borland - Girls Soccer Bob Chovanec - Softball Julie Thobaben - Softball Janet Flater - Softball WHS Advisor Positions: Monica Reeves - All School Play Amy Holterman - All School Play Tricia Price - Art Club Bryan Fay - Chess Greg Smidt - Chess Amy Marcom - Dance Breanna Yeska - Dance Teresa Duda - FBLA BobbieJo Montgomery - FFA Erin Montgomery - FFA Mark Otte - Forensics Karen Nowak - Intramural Basketball Brianna Hepfler - Jazz Band Danielle McHugh - Link Crew Karen Nowak - Link Crew Anna Lussier - Link Crew Teresa Duda - Link Crew Anna Lussier - Pacapellas Cindy Ikert - Pep Club Danielle McHugh - Photo Club Steven Baumann - Robotics Lisa Abrahamson - Spanish Club Tricia Price - Yearbook WHS Volunteer Advisor Positions: Bill Storck - Badger Boys and Girls Jason Packingham - Bowling Craig Gadzinski - Chess Jake Foss - Chess Ross Hanson - Chess Neil Wenberg - Curling Bella Udoni - Dance Brett Grams - Exchange Program Brian Hoelzel - Ice Fishing Ryan Wilson - Ice Fishing Carter Hoelzel - Ice Fishing Rob Scherrer - Ice Fishing Doug Nowak - Intramural Basketball Bryan Fay - Intramural Basketball Dana Widdel - Live Christiane Jahnke - Math Team Jessica Hauser - Pep Club Taylor Wilcox - Public Library Brenda Plum - S.A.D.D. Lisa Abrahamson - Spanish Honor Society Mary Ann Snider - Tennis John Woodliff - Trap & Skeet Alan Domaszek - Trap & Skeet Steve Rawson - Trap & Skeet Anna Lussier - Vocal Music Groups Cory Nagel - Youth on Board WMS Coaching Positions: Dave Peterson - Cross Country Alan Konda - Cross Country Luke Hass - 8th Grade Football Luke Seeger - 8th Grade Football Nick Clappes - Boys Soccer Eugene Pliska - Boys Soccer Lisa Ash - 7th Grade Volleyball Ashley Nelson - 8th Grade Volleyball Kirbi Holat - 8th Grade Volleyball Mike Waldschmidt - 7th Grade Boys Basketball Rocky Mondello - 8th Grade Boys Basketball Kirbi Holat - 8th Grade Boys Basketball Mike Waldschmidt - 7th Grade Girls Basketball Rocky Mondello - 8th Grade Girls Basketball Kyle Mannel - Wrestling Dave Peterson - Track Jeremy Martens - Track WMS Volunteer Coaching Positions: Mark Unertl - Cross Country WMS Advisor Positions: Rene Jungers - 5th/6th Grade Basketball Mike Waldschmidt - 5th/6th Grade Basketball Kirbi Holat - 5th/6th Grade Basketball Rene Jungers - Chess Hannah Waller - Dance Erin Eller - Destination Imagination Rene Jungers - Forensics Shana Rogney - Jazz Band Shana Rogney - Musical Lori Jungers - Musical Holly Saunders - Musical Jenny Lewis - Musical Ashley Brill - Musical Art Schultz - Robotics Kareene Hansen - Student Council Amy Smidt - Yearbook Kate Gile - Yearbook WMS Volunteer Advisor Positions: Rene Jungers - Battle of the Books Jason Packingham - Bowling Will Johnson - Chess Neil Wenberg - Curling Paige Olsen - Dance Emma Ives - Dance Mackenzie Loken - Dance Amy Holterman - Forensics Rene Jungers - Math Olympiads John Woodliff - Trap & Skeet Alan Domaszek - Trap & Skeet Steve Rawson - Trap & Skeet Rene Jungers - Quiz Bowl CESA 5 Service Contract The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Communications: Donation: Board President Brooks advised of a donation made to Waupaca FFA from Waupaca FFA Alumni. A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Lori Verhalen to accept, with gratitude, the donation as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Administration: CEC Annual Report: CEC Administrator Carrie Naparalla and CEC GC President Sandy Robinson presented a summary of the 2023-2024 school year at CEC. They noted that last year was the first year without the federal charter sub grant. Mrs. Robinson shared the accomplishments of the GC which included the completion of a four year renewal contract with the SDW Board of Education, professional development, and strategies for promoting the CEC. In addition, the Community Garden continues to see an increase in community member participation, the Cultivating Connections Committee started “Coffee Talks”, and the Fundraising and Finance Committee will be working with District Grant Writer Greg Grohman on a grant for the playground. She also provided the financial information for CEC Inc. Ms. Naparalla shared CEC’s enrollment information over the past five years which indicated a total enrollment of 154 students last year with an 81% capacity. She also shared CEC’s demographics as compared to WLC and WMS. She noted that 89% of the students who attended last year will be returning to CEC this fall. Ms. Naparalla shared information relating to participation in Suzuki and other electives offered as well as its academic data, and noted that all students have a Personalized Learning Plan. She pointed out that 75.6% of CEC students participate or plan to participate in a school sponsored sport or extracurricular activity. Ms. Naparalla advised that this year’s lottery went very well and they received a lot of applicants. However, it was difficult to have to inform families that they are not able to get in this year. Ms. Naparalla advised that she and Director of Teaching and Learning Mark Flaten continue to have discussions regarding the students in the Suzuki program being able to continue at the high school level. Ms. Naparalla advised that there were many reasons to celebrate and highlighted the top five specific events that were very impactful. She also noted the three challenges where opportunities for growth are needed. She advised that she follows up with freshmen (former) students inquiring, among other things, how prepared they were for high school and if anything should be done differently. Ms. Naparalla and Mrs. Robinson thanked the School Board, Governance Council, and the many grantors, sponsors, donors, and community partners for their continued support of CEC, as well as the staff and volunteers for all of their hard work. Board President Brooks suggested that since there is a lot of interest in the Community Garden, that a possible fundraiser for CEC could be to raffle off a four-course meal prepared by the students using the produce and other items from the Community Garden. Adjournment Into Closed Session: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Lori Verhalen to adjourn into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(e), deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically to discuss the 515 School Street Property; and pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c), considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically to discuss administrator contracts. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote at 6:22 p.m. Reconvene Into Open Session to Consider Action on Matters from Closed Session: A motion was made by Lori Verhalen and seconded by Steve Klismet to reconvene into open session to consider action on matters from closed session. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote at 7:28 p.m. A motion was made by Molly McDonald and seconded by Steve Klismet to approve amendments to the Administrator Contracts for Kyle Scherwinski, Jenifer Erb, and Austin Moore as presented in closed session. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Adjournment: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Lori Verhalen to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Ron Brooks, President Board of Education Betty Manion, Clerk Board of Education Publish Sept. 19, 2024 WNAXLP
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Regular School Board Meeting - Minutes Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 August 12, 2024 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School, Room #6 by Mike Harbridge at 6:01 pm with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Tony Neumann, Laura Krogwold, Diana Jones. Absent; Mike Grassl, Vanessa Kirmse and Jason Boris Administration present - Chris Nelson, Jan Bue-Wells, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester and Tammy Bauer Observer’s present - Emily Conroy II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Public input/comments - None IV. Approval of consent agenda - Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. A. Approval of the July 15, 2024 minutes and August 5, 2024 Working Committee Meeting minutes B. Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks) C. Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts D. Fundraiser requests E. Gifts and Donations V. Administration reports A. FAC Director’s Report - informational B. Principal’s Report - informational C. Administrator’s Report - informational D. Student Representative Report - informational VI. School Board News and Updates A. WASB Meeting/Convention Updates - informational B. CESA 5 Meeting Updates - informational VII. Old Business A. Referendum Updates - informational VIII. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris No report B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Resignation a) MS/HS Library Assistant Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the resignation of the MS/HS Library Assistantt as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. Hiring a. MS Volleyball Coach Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve hiring of Lisa Nelson as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. b) Food Service - MS/HS Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve hiring of Jane Williqutte as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. c) Volunteer Cross Country Coach Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the volunteer cross country coach as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. d) Volunteer Football Coach Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve volunteer football coaches as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether 1. Financial Update and Outlook - informational D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones No report F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl 1. New Policy, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2nd Reading) - Policy 5610.03 Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the 2nd reading of Policy 5610.03 as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. Board Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 a) Overview b) Policies for review (1) Policies 0164 to 5200 Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve policies 0164 to 5200 from the Board policy review Vol.33, No.2 as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. (2) Policies 5330 to 7540.05 Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve policies 5330 to 7540.05 from the Board policy review Vol.33, No.2 as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. (3) Policies 8500 to 8660 Motion was made by Laura Krogwold and seconded by Diana Jones to approve policies 8500 to 8660 from the Board policy review Vol.33, No.2 as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report IX. New Business - None X. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. September 9, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Elementary School, Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm September meeting date(s) - No Working Committee Meeting, Regular Board meeting September, 9, 2024 at 6 pm XI. Adjourn Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold at 6:20 pm to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish Sept. 19, 2024 WNAXLP
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Working School Board Committee Meeting - Minutes Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm by Mike Harbridge with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Tony Neumann, Diana Jones, Mike Grassl, Vanessa Kirmse and Jason Boris. Absent; Laura Krogwold Administration present - Chris Nelson, Jan Bue-Wells, Stacey Wester, and Tammy Bauer Observer’s present - None II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Old Business A. Referendum update - informational IV. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris No report B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Hiring a) MS Volleyball Coach- No action taken b) Food Service - MS/HS - No action taken c) Volunteer Cross Country Coach - No action taken C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether No report D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones No report F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl 1. New Policy, Vol. 33, No. 2 - Policy 5610.03 2. Board Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 a) Overview b)_Policies for review (1) Policies 0164 to 5200 (2) Policies 5330 to 7540.05 (3) Policies 8500 to 8660 No action taken G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report V. New Business A. 23-24 Seclusion and Restraint Report - informational VI. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. August 12, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm VII. Adjourn Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl at 6:21 pm to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish Sept. 12, 2024 WNAXLP


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